Even though this is only my fourth post, I am posting a tutorial! Today's post is actually going to be about making a string block and then I will show you my progress on my string quilt. I think that you will have fun following the tutorial and I will have fun creating it! Please excuse my blurry pics... I will replace them later on if you can't follow easily! Here we go!
The first thing you are going to need are strings. Strings can be anything long and thin and as wide as only 1/2". Here is a picture of my strings.
You will also need some paper backings of any size you like, (I used 4"), a sewing machine, a rotary cutter and mat, an iron and ironing board and scissors.
The first step is to lay down a base strip across the paper on the diagonal right side up and another on top of it right side down like this:
Then seam through the paper and the fabric layers like this:
Then finger press it open so that it looks like this:
Continue adding strings until you get to a corner and then instead of a strip use a chunk of fabric as shown here:
Here is a general idea of what your block should look like before trimming:
And here it is after trimming with your rotary cutter:
The next step is to pick the paper off the back of the block:
I like to have at least 4 block quarters before actually pulling out the paper so that I can make a whole block but you can do whatever you want to.
Now to iron it:
And here is the finished block quarter! You made it this far so let's continue...
Now we need to arrange 4 of these block quarters into a finished block, and then sew them together! Here are the pictures:
And last but not least, here is how my progress on my actual quilt is going!
I'm really enjoying making this quilt and I can only hope you do too!