Sunday, September 6, 2009

Checking Up

Is everyone purposely avoiding me for some strange reason!! Or are you looking and not posting? Or not even looking? I sorta feel that maybe I've been bragging? I'm sorry if any of you feel that way and I sincerely apologize. Well anyways, my brother's birthday is today and we actually celebrated yesterday. That is the reason I didn't post yesterday. So tomorrow I have a couple of things in store for you guys... a quilt I made for my brother's b-day and a tutorial on how to make a yo-yo. How does that sound to all of you??? I'm very sorry I don't have any quilting related stuff for you guys today but I don't have much time. I'm going to a campfire and have to be there at 6:30 and I have stuff to do. See you tomorrow!


  1. WOW! You're 12 and you do all this? I've only been quilting 6 years (and I'm 50) and you've done more than I have I think.

    I'm very impressed with you and your work at your age. You're going to go far in this world.

  2. Hey Jordan...I just wanted to say that you are so amazing! Thank you so much for donating the jewelry you made! I am so proud of you :) No news yet on Hadrian. So we are still praying for him! Thanks again girly!!

  3. Hi Jordan, I just wanted you to know that I usually get an update whenever you post something on your blog (since I follow Yours). Anyway, I haven't gotten anything in a while so I decided to check out your blog and I see you're not getting posts. Maybe it's a technical problem with blogspot??? Just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your blog and to tell you I don't think anyone is thinking you are bragging. Honey you should toot your own horn from time to time! You are an amazing young lady and have every right to be proud of yourself.
